Thursday, June 17, 2010

Brevard Zoo-on the HOTTEST day of the year!

What are the odds that when you head down to Florida in May it is going to be 90+ degrees? Yeah, ok...I know, they are actually pretty good...but really? I decided long before we went down to visit Grandma that I wanted to take Ryan to the zoo-she has been obsessed with animals and I just knew she would love it! We got there and within 5 seconds of stepping out of the car we began sweating and the hard part was yet to come. Getting out the double stroller, two diaper bags (in case she wanted to go to the water park), two purses, and two cameras (well I do have TWO kids) took about all the energy my mother and I could muster. 10 minutes later we both lost 5 pounds! And we're off-Whew! It is a nice little zoo, not too big, not too small-just right for Ryan-or so I thought. We got to the main attraction-the Giraffe Exhibit-this is where you can actually feed the giraffes, and I just knew Ryan would adore this. I often wonder about these people who talk about a "Mother Intuition" cause apparently I don't have one-she HATED it! Now, in her defense, she loves giraffes IN PICTURES, but she is going through that 2 year old "fear of everything" phase, which is surprising because she was just in that scary as hell "fear NOTHING" phase that has her jumping off couches and grabbing Moe's ears. In any event, she was basically scared of anything that was up close-so between that and the Florida heat we were dragging our butts back to the car just after lunch. I am glad we went. I think she had a good time besides the rhino scaring the bejeesus out of her, and the birds landing on her head! I did what every good mom does (and what every good amusement park does as well) ended with gift shop! I will certainly take her again-but next time in the winter!
By the way, you are probably asking yourself what Leah was doing this entire time-well, in typical 2nd child fashion-she was just along for the ride.

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