I am going to try to tell this story as delicately as I can without being totally grotesque. But it is one of those stories that has to be told, and one I can hopefully use against her one day!
She usually tells us AFTER she has gone poo...She explains, "I go poo-poo!?" Usually phrased as a question, sounding almost french...weird. Anyway, just prior to her bath, she said, "I go poo-poo?!" So I went to change her and she was clean-weird-she never proclaims a dirty diaper unless she IS dirty. Being the wonderful, perceptive mom that I am, I ignored this and put her in her tub for her bath. She was fine for about 15 minutes...coloring happily, blowing bubbles, what-have-you...when I noticed something floating in the tub. Using Ryans words, "Awwwww man!"....its poo. She wasnt telling me she HAD gone, for the first time she was telling me she NEEDED to go. So as gross as that lesson was, it was a step in the right direction! :) Somehow I am thinking there is a more sanitary way of making that point-but whatever! :)
Why is it that everyday I feel like I should be teaching my daughter life lessons, when as it turns out, I am the one who is learning-daily!
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