Grandma got Ryan the COOLEST shoes-ShellToe adidas! Just like mommy has! Now, back in the day (a history lesson for all you youngsters), RUN DMC (so cool, so fly) used to wear their adidas with no laces and the tongue hanging out. I heard someone ask Run one time how they keep their adidas on and he replied, "We just slip em on and rock em right!". BRILLIANT! So first thing I did when Ryan got her new shoes was take the laces out, so she could "rock em right." And you know what happened-she fell down....A LOT! And frankly, as cool as Ryan is, I wasnt totally convinced she could pull off this look-cardigan sweater, hippie flared jeans, and her gangster adidas?! Despite the scrapes and bruises (where did I put those stupid laces anyway?) these are still her favorite pair of shoes-she wears them daily. I think she "rocks em" in her own Ryanbug stylee-which lets face it, is cute as hell!
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