Took Ryan to the Wildlife After Dark party Sat night at Georgia Southern University's Wildlife Center. Not really knowing what to expect, the first thing we encounter-THE EAGLE! Crazy cool. Not sure how many of you have ever seen this magnificent bird up close, but they are spectacular! Ryan was, however, unimpressed. There were turrrtels near by and they are waaayyy cooler according to her. I got her away from them to try to again dazzle her with the eagle and its 90inch wingspan, but alas, she saw the snake cages. I didnt have the heart to tell her that the eagle picks up those sorry snakes and eats em like a snack-but again, whatever Ryan wants...we toured around outside and some nice men pulled out some snakes for Ryan to touch-HA-lets see how much she likes snakes now, now that they are not behind glass! Oh, wait, you want to touch them, you want to hold them, you want to SQUEEZE them ...uh oh..we are in some trouble. I personally do not mind snakes, but Jamey was keeping his distance for sure (he claims it was for Leah's safety...yeah right!).
After running from snake to snake to frog to porcupines (yup a porcupine), she was ready to go and we heading back through the gift shop (such smart configuration-making us exit through the gift shop). I showed her the cutest stuffed turtle-all I got was a head shake and a "no". Ok, how about a cute stuffed eagle, "No". I turn around and she has a handful of rubber snakes! Alright, but dad is NOT going to happy about this! As we left through the lobby, all the workers who were lined up welcoming people asked what Ryan had-she proudly lifted her fistful of snakes into the air...and said, SAKES!!!". I'm a lucky mommy! :)
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