Woah-4 whole Christmas' to celebrate and for the first time in the Newsome household-we got to stay in our own home (Thanks Leah)! It started with Christmas Eve-we let Ryan and Leah (who had no clue where she was, let alone what presents were-she was only 3 weeks old for crying out loud)open a few presents from the immediate family. This was lots of fun! I'm not sure at Ryan's age what she enjoyed more-unwrapping the gifts or the gifts themselves. However, she loved her new American Girl doll great Aunt Judy sent, Ryan named Abby. Abby came with a several pieces, brilliantly individually gift wrapped-in Ryans case, this offered more bang for your buck!
We put her to bed threatening Santa wont come until she does-but this was really more of an empty threat since she doesnt understand who Santa really is (do any of us really?)except how to pronounce his name. Once asleep, we broke out Santa's presents! This was the most fun for us! Her new bike next to the tree all shiny-fun fun fun-Santa has a great gig! The next morning, we woke her up, let her play upstairs till she was good and awake, then let her walk down-now the tree has been up since the week of Thanksgiving so I wouldnt have to worry about it once Leah was born so every morning since Ryan would say, "Christmas tree!" as she got down the stairs...but not Christmas morning...eyes half closed, she got out, "Christma.." then saw the bike...stunned silent! She ran to the bike, patted it like a dog, then moved on to the other stuff under the tree! :)
That afternoon Jamey's parents came and she got to open even more presents...I did start to feel that twinge of, "My goodness what is this teaching her?" but whatever, it's Christmas! And it wasn't over yet-My mom had to come the next day to give her even more presents!!!! You are probably asking what Leah did while Ryan celebrated 4 Christmas'...well, she sat perfectly quiet in her bouncer, patiently waiting for her turn and smiling when it was appropriate-far cry from my Ryanbug! :) Sweet Leah-I hope this is a lasting trend-she is too sweet!
What a wonderful Christmas with my two girls and the best part-NO TRAVEL! :)
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