It wasn't long ago that I posted about Savannah trucking in snow and us taking Ryan to see it...well this time-it was for real. I am always skeptical of snow in the forecast, in particular when it is in the deep south, so I didn't get my hopes up. Plus, Jamey was in Jacksonville with my mom buying a mini van and I had other priorities. But the weatherman was consistent and persistent, so I thought at the very least I could "see" snow. But now I had to worry about Jamey and my mom getting home in this weather(I mean really? It doesn't snow for like a decade and it snows when my beloveds have to travel? AND with our new car?-really?). I was hoping it would start in time for Ryan to see it before she went to bed and that wish was granted-but she was NOT impressed. She ran to the back door, looked out, got excited, ran to get her coat & shoes, and I happily took her out back. That child, so excited, took two steps outside and proclaimed, "COLD!" and ran to my arms. 2 seconds in the snow and we are back inside! Wuss! Maybe tomorrow will be a better snow adventure. Thankfully, mom and Jamey made it home safe (not without issues-but for another time, another place) and I went to bed anxious to take Ryan out in our newly fallen 4 inches! Poor thing-I literally drug her out of bed and threw some clothes on her (not even close to appropriate clothes) she was wearing a pj top, a hooded sweatshirt, a spring lightweight raincoat, a pair of socks, jeans and boots (refusing to wear her mittens). After dragging dad out of bed as well, we were outside maybe 15 minutes, running around, Ryan spending most of that time trying to figure this stuff out. She eventually jumped in daddy's arms (who was more than ready to get back into bed) and our fun in the snow was over! Let me tell you, if all snow days are like this one-snow overnight, wake up to a beautifully covered town, melted by noon when the sun comes out-I will definitely want to move north!!! This was certainly my kind of snow!!! I find it very cute that Ryan's first experience with snow wasn't in Ohio for Christmas, or a trip to Aunt Judy's in South Bend, but here in the deep south! Good times!
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