So she woke up yesterday morning, everything appeared normal, when she got suddenly fussy for no known reason. I went to pick her up, dreading it for fear of interrupting her morning cartoons (you just don not interrupt Tog, Tizzie & Toot), and making matters worse, I quickly realized why she was so fussy. She was blazing hot. I found it to be seriously odd since she had just finished breakfast and I just held her like 15 minutes before. I took her temp, it wasn't too bad-102. Thinking it was from the onslaught of teeth she has coming in, we gave her Tylenol and the fever went down. We went into work and dropped her off at daycare. Well, at around 1:00 daycare called and said we had to come pick her up-she had a fever of 103.4 . I dont know how many of you reading this has ever felt a child with a fever like that, but I wasn't prepared for how hot she felt. It is insane. It certainly seemed like a cause for alarm to me. We got her into the doctor, who said it could be one of two things: double ear infection, or a virus called Roseola. He gave us antibiotics in case it was her ears, and if it is Roseola, he said she would have a high fever for several days, then once the fever breaks she will break out into a rash all over her body and that means she is clear of the virus and is no longer contagious. I am so thankful he mentioned that, if Ryan all of a sudden broke out in a rash all over her body like he was describing, I would have freaked out!!!
So for now, we are simply trying to keep Ryan comfortable, rotating Tylenol and Motrin, and giving her sponge baths.
Just so you know-she is amazing, she has barley cried once! She whimpers when she is about to go to sleep, otherwise it doesn't matter if her temp is 104, she is going to keep on smiling and laughing at Steve! Got to LOVE this child!!!!
Just so you know-she is amazing, she has barley cried once! She whimpers when she is about to go to sleep, otherwise it doesn't matter if her temp is 104, she is going to keep on smiling and laughing at Steve! Got to LOVE this child!!!!
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