Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The New and Improved Bath Time-Introducing Debbie the Duck Tub

Not that anyone really cares whether or not Ryan loves to take a bath except for me, Jamey and the Grandparents. It was just an excuse to show her stylish towel that she adores, and of coarse her brand new Debbie the Duck Tub. Why did we insist on naming everything? Do you have any idea how much stuff is in our house with names right now? I can't keep track....Debbie the Duck, Ollie the Octopus, Ellie the Elephant, Fee the Frog, Millie the Monkey, Larry the Lion, Jeffery the Giraffe, I seriously could go on and on. And they aren't even particularly clever names either.....This is what having children is about naming every inanimate object she owns...cause we are running out of names....


Anonymous said...

I suggest the name Rachael - however along your theme you would need a Rabbit or a Rocket ...
Cute picture with the ladybug by the way.

Anonymous said...

On second thought, there's some really cool names in this word verication you have to do to publish a comment- just appeared 'wiger' and now 'clogyny' - now these are good names. Also I hear that Barack and Michelle (and their children's names have escaped me righ now) are the most popular names this week. Around the Globe not just in our backyard!!!

Jenbug, Ryanbug and Leahbug said...

Rachael, do you seriously think we haven't already named something innane after you?? Rachael the there....
Wiger the Whale??? Clogyny the Clown? I like em!
I would be curious how many Barack's and Michelles were born the past few weeks around the you think there are stats on that?

Nora Watson, BC-AWA said...

We have that duck tub too! I think it's so cute, but, the only thing is the baby is the only one that can't really enjoy it because they can't see the face! I mean, I understand they don't want to make it with a backwards head, but, I don't know! My husband thinks they should make it so the head turns around. Hahaha! I guess that would be better for an owl tub. :)