Monday, August 24, 2009

Little Leah or (L.L. Coolbug)

I feel just awful that I havent really mentioned much regarding Leah! Not that there is that much to say, but maybe announcing her name would be a start! So her name is Leah Nicole Newsome (Daddy's pick with Mommy's middle name). Right now as of today, she is just over a pound and is 25 weeks old! As you can see from her ultasound picture (to really see it you have to close your right eye, squint out of your left and tilt you head ever so slightly) her sucking her thumb! You can also see that she is already just as cute a Ryan and takes cues better-we were never able to get this shot of Ryan no matter how hard we tried! :)
But so far she is perfectly healthy and for me, December seems like a lifetime away!

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