You can never accuse us of NOT being ambitious! I tell people that I do NOT like to NOT do stuff because it is hard, but in reality I think I'm just either stupid, or forgetful. If I had thought how insane a trip to the beach with 2 babies would be-I never would have gone...or if I had remembered how hard it was the previous year with just 1 baby-I never would have gone. But we ventured out there anyway-both babies in tow, in the blistering sun, and just like last year, Jamey playing the pack mule. It started out just fine-got the umbrella up, Leah safely hidden in the shade. Got the toys and beach towel all set up for Ryan-smooth. We were almost tricked into thinking this was a good idea-then the waterworks started-NOTHING made Ryan happy, no amount of toys, or sand, or water, or kite flying (WHO doesn't love a kite? I mean the sight of mommy alone trying to get this thing in the air should have put a small smile on her face. I know I saw daddy smirk) but no. She wasn't thirsty, hungry or tired-that's when things got worse. The umbrella flew away. I know this sounds simple-but now I have a freaked out 2 year old, a 5 month old sitting in the blazing sun, now beginning to cry herself, and a pissed off husband running all over the beach chasing this umbrella (karma is all I'm sayin about that). Poor Jamey spent the next 1/2 hour holding on to the umbrella with his right hand, feeding Leah a bottle with his left, all the while Ryan is clinging to his side. Needless to say, he was not enjoying the beach. So after only 2 hours, we packed everything back up, thanked everyone around us for not laughing at us too hard, and made the long arduous journey back to the car-then a 1 hour car ride! Good times!!!
Please know that when I tell people, "It was worth all the work" I'M LYING!!!!!!!!!!!
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