By the looks of these pictures you would never have guessed the sheer trauma of her skinning her knee. In her defense, while she has skinned her knee at daycare before, this one was bad, this was the worst one yet. Please dont tell her I am laughing about this now, but it was all pretty funny-until the meltdown of epic proportions. She fell at the park-fine, she got up, dusted herself off, and continued on toward the car-NO TEARS. It wasnt until we were just about home that the pain must have set in, cause she all of a sudden looked down at her knee, saw all the blood and FREAKED out! And of coarse the worst was yet to come because I had to clean out the wound. I cleaned it, the earth shook, I put on the Incedibles and then all was right in the world. Kids are funny-if that only would work for adults. I myself am calmed by House, but whatever...
I wanted to document the occasion of the bad boo-boo that made her scream bloody murder but once I got the camera out she starting pointing at it, and showing it off like a war wound...like it never hurt and she was just "so brave". Uh-huh Ryan, I was there...I remember the screaming! :)
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