Good Lord the drama of decisions that we have to make as parents is exhausting. On this particular day we wanted to take the girls to the Wildlife Center for the Easter Egg hunt that afternoon. Seems easy enough, but check this out-here is the list of events/questions that would dictate which direction this day would take:
*The event started at 1-this falls into Ryan's normal nap time-so do we wait on her nap until after the event, or try to get her down early so she would wake up before we leave? (
which is easier said than done-ever try putting a wide awake 2 year old down early-it is like giving a cat a bath)*It was threatening thunderstorms, raining off and on and the event was outside-this was the biggest factor that set off a domino of other choices and backup plans all of which had consequences. Here is how that goes:
If it was raining we would take the girls to the mall to meet the Easter Bunny-which would mean that they would have to wear their fancy Easter Dresses instead of just a cute play dress that I was going to put them in for the Easter Egg hunt.
If after the mall it wasnt raining, then we would go to the Easter Egg hunt but I would change her outfit to the previous outfit so she could play, but we cant stay long in case she didnt nap early, she is going to get tired and need a nap.
If however, it is still raining, then we can stay in the fancy dress and walk in the mall shopping. WHEW! Exhausting isnt it?! Here is what ended up happening:
No nap, we got dressed up in the fancy dress and headed to the mall because it was raining, the Easter Bunny FREAKED Ryan out and so Jamey (who didnt shower because in all our preparation, didnt leave time for that) had to get into the picture (hysterical picture), we noticed it had stopped raining, but forgot the other play dress so we heading to the Wildlife Center with our fancy dress on. Upon arriving there was another Easter Bunny, after keeping a wide perimeter around the bunny (they ARE sneaky Ryan)we found out we missed the Egg Hunt, disappointed, we headed over to the playground, but it was wet from he rain, still dressed up, we decided to let her play (you try telling her NO). After a brief playground episode in her fancy dress, she got tired and fussy and wanted to go home. So after all the debate, deliberations, and preparations-we ended up going home with a bad picture of the girls with the evil Easter Bunny, a dirty dress and a cranky child!