Those who know me know how I dreamed of playing in the NBA. Now, those who also know me know I am a wee bit over 5 feet tall (damn genetics). While I may have a sick fade away jumper, my plan may just be a pipe dream. So instead I settled for being a super fan of the game! I feel fairly confident that Ryan's fate will be the same, so we decided to start her fan ship early by taking her to her first NBA game Christmas Day AND it happened to be our beloved Orlando Magic (thanks to my little brother Jeff for the tickets!!). As a side note for all you parents out there, how wonderful of an excuse to do cool things than to use your child...just sayin'. We dressed her in Orlando's finest attire-yes that is a #12 Dwight Howard jersey that she is wearing! Even though Dwight is a bad ass, she looked ridiculously cute! I anticipated a few melt down moments with the noise factor (the line up announcement alone was insanely loud) but she sat so quiet and watched every minute. After sharing Grandma's beer (not really everyone-calm down) it was game on and she went into "Full on Ryan cuteness"; cheering, entertaining the people behind us, and her usual general merriment. Having a bottle (milk) at halftime, a nap during the third quarter (I think the entire arena, including the Magic took a nap during the 3rd) and back to cheering in the 4th-she brought the Magic a victory (or it may have been Dwights 21 pts, 11 rebounds). Needless to say-A Fan Was Born!!!
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