I looked around tonight and noticed that I had Toy Story 1 on in the living room for Ryan and Toy Story 2 on in my bedroom for Leah and it occurred to me that there is a pretty good chance that we watch this movie WAY TOO MUCH! I decided to pay attention to Ryan's reaction to these movies instead of thinking, "Thank God, this bought me an hour or so to do laundry and clean". Here are a few observations of what I saw and (more importantly) heard during the movies. Yes, she rotated room to room, and yes, I realize it is a Toy Story sickness that should be consequentially named "The Ryan Syndrome". The following are Ryan quotes and if they are questions (MAINLY and annoyingly) I DID answer each and every question, even if I said, "I DONT CARE"
TOY STORY 1: (she always opens with the song, but only sings the line, "You got a friend in me" pretty freakin cute)
"Where is Jessie?" (Not until TS2-which prompts her to head into the other room)
"Where is Bullseye?" (See first question)
"What is ________ doing?" (this is a very common question)
"Where is _______ going?" (again, annoyingly common)
"Are they having a party?" (yup)
"ARE THOSE PRESENTS?!" (this is a troubling question seeing how Christmas is coming)
"Why is Buzz flying around the room?" (He's not flying, he is falling with style. Are you NOT paying attention Ryan?"
"His room is messy" (Speaking of Sid's room, and I find it interesting that she DOES recognize filth)
*took a break to take her "guys" including Buzz [big & small], Woody X2 [big & small-insert chuckle here], Jessie, Bullseye, the Alien, a monkey, Lotso, and 5 pacis from the living room to the bed...and back again.
"Are they finding Nemo?" (Oh Lord give me strength)
"The End" (YES!!!!!)
"Again?" (Crap!!!!)
"TOY STORY!!!" (Upon seeing the opening credits, followed by a double fist pump..yes we are sports fans and she picks up a few things)
"BUZZ!!!" (Another couple fist pumps-she gets really excited for TS2 more than TS1 it seems-so far 5 fist pumps WAY UP)
"Where is Woody's hat?" (Now her very own Woody's hat is missing so this may just be a coincidence since she asks this question 50o times a day)
"Where is Jessie?" (She is coming, hang on!)
"Where is Bullseye?" (Ok, apparently I need to teach this girl some patience. In the meantime I am just going to skip to that particular chapter)
"Barbie swimmin?" (Is that a question or are you telling me-its hard to tell sometimes because she always ends everything by raising her voice..its weird...really.)
"TURN INTO THE SPIN BARBIE!" (Ok, she really didnt say this, but I just love that line, had to fit it in)
"They going to bring Woody home?" (OK, so she is getting it..thats something)
"COOKIE!" (Yes honey Wood..wait, WHA? [heading to kitchen to a cookie])
"You've got a friend in me" (In her best Weezie voice..which isn't bad...really)
She doesnt talk during TS 3, just sits and stares. Now, this could be because we have a bootleg version and it is in Chinese (I'm teasing, its not) or because she just got it and is taking it all in, or because it is incredibly dark and she cant wrap her head around her "guys" accepting their fate or getting "donated". I am however thankful for the fact that we dont have a 3rd tv, and the break in questions/statements is certainly welcomed.
This isnt to say that she doesnt have the same reaction to other movies. She has a decent rotation of flicks to choose from:Up, Monsters, Inc., Madagascar, Finding Nemo, A Bugs Life, etc...and she has questions throughout all of them. The one reoccurring theme question is, "What are they doin/goin?" to which I always answer with whats going on, unless I answer, "I DONT CARE!"