Before starting this post about our 4th of July festivities (if you want to even call them that) I spent a few minutes to look back on how we celebrated last year. After reading that post, the flood of memories came back to me and they were even more horrible than I remember!! Because of that I was evermore thankful this year we were able to subconsciously learn from last year (having truly blocked it out of our minds) and keep it simple this year. This seems to be a theme for holidays since Leah was born-stay home, do nothing. I imagine this is the last official holiday that will happen-at some point the grandparents are going to expect us to resume traveling again. But for now I will enjoy the homestead if only because I don't have to pack (seems like a reasonable enough thought to me). I wasn't kidding, we kept it about as simple as you can-we got dressed, headed to the park, walked around, sat under a shady tree, and left just before the fireworks. Leah is in full-on teething mode and we saw no need to torture her, ourselves, Ryan or the party people with her pain, hence, leaving early. That was it!!! No beach sand fiasco, no bugs to speak of, no ants in the pants, no lawn on fire and most important we spent only a total of 30 minutes in the car!!!! Happy Birthday America!!